Flavorpill, May 2010
"In photographs, and even in person at a slight distance, certain of Ashley Gibbons' images might be mistaken for painting — and not just any painting, but the masculine non-representation of 20th-century modernism, from abstract expressionism to constructivism. And in truth, the deliberate, sophisticated, and patient way in which she composes her colors, patterns, and textures is quite lively and gestural; but there's no paint. Only panties. Stretched, layered, and sometimes lacy, these works want for nothing in terms of the movement, wit, or the imposing beauty Pollock chased. When Gibbons continues her radicalization of traditional (aka female) crafts and takes up embroidery, it has to do with forceful sexual narratives and dreamy surrealism. While that might put you in mind of New York's Orly Cogan (who is also showing in LA right now), the truth is they only share the needle; where Cogan deconstructs an aesthetic of sweetness and virtue, Gibbons' stitched work is raw and lascivious."
- Shana Nys Dambrothttp://flavorpill.com/losangeles/events/2010/5/12/ashley-gibbons-coquettish-modernisms